Governments around the world have set very ambitious goals and are running programmes for the implementation of electronic service delivery in the public sector. Public sector project suffers a lot setback in procurements innovation and the implementation of e-procurement technology. This study, thus, examined the implementation of e-procurement in public building construction projects. The study adopted quantitative approach. A total of 145 questionnaires were administered using stratified sampling method. A total of 143 questionnaires was returned and found valid for analysis. The collected data were analysed using Percentages, frequency, Mean Item Score (MIS), Relative Importance Index (RII) and Skruskal Wallis test. The study found that lack of technical expertise, unreliable power supply, inadequate government support, poor ICT and internet facilities, and high costs of implementation are the main barriers to e-procurement uptake in FCTA. Good governance in reduction of collusion among the bidders, and transparency and openness in public procurement, are the leading prospects to eprocurement implementation in the FCTA. Inadequate financial resources and backing, and inadequate technological infrastructure of tenderers are the challenges of implementing eprocurement by the public. It was found that the prominent strategies for effective implementation of e-procurement in public sectors are; Assessing and documenting the current procurement process, Review and select the optimal e-procurement solution provider for your needs. It is recommended that appropriate legislations should be put in place by the government to encourage the uptake and adoption of e-procurement in the Federal Capital Territory Administration secretariat.
Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
Background to the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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